Repair Her Armor
I’m sure you’re familiar with the Hawk-Eye Initiative by now, right? That wonderful little tumblr page that helps to illustrate the silliness of the Comic Book industry? Well it was only a matter of time before the video game industry was called out for its own shenanigans.
I’ve always found it weird that there’s this creed that game developers seem to have, where their female leads must be scantily clad. I mean, I always appreciated that there were characters like Aeris, Dagger, and Agrias who would be there in somewhat reasonable attire for their statures in life. In fact, I think that Final Fantasy Tactics had some of the most commendable choices in male/female outfits that I can recall in a game. But I never really understood why so many other women got the raw end of the deal when it came to costume design. That’s right. Everyone of those words, was a different link.
This is why we need sites like Repair Her Armor.