Happy 30th Birthday to the Famicom!
Being both Canadian, and younger than the Famicom, neither Matt nor I can share any first hand experience on the triumphant original release of the Famicom on 15 July 1983. I like to think that it just wasn’t worth being born until after Nintendo had worked a little bit of magic into the world.
Some of my earliest memories involve laying on the floor watching Transformers, getting my tongue stuck to giant slabs of ice, and playing Super Mario Bros and Mega Man any chance I could get my grubby little hands on an NES. Today, I suggest you dig out your old games and give em a another spin! And if you don’t have access to an old console… well… I’m sure you can figure out away to live in the moment.
Happy Birthday Famicom! And Happy Belated Birthday, Luigi! go check out this excellent run-down on the history behind this world class piece of technology from Ars Technica.
A news feature in the late 80’s about Nintendo’s hit machine
A longer (40+ min) look at the NES’s History