#Crowd Funding

Jul 24, 2013
9:58 AM
Steve Says:
Andrew “darkfalzx” Bado is working on an indie game called Legend of Iya

Legend of Iya

All y’all know that I’m in heart with delicious pixel art. Andrew “darkfalzx” Bado decided as a kid that he wanted to create video games, and has been working hard ever since to make that a reality. He’s been working professionally as a pixel artist for years, and in his spare time has been working to bring his own beautiful creation, Legend of Iya, to life. His kickstarter campaign is live right now, and he needs your help.

His environments are drop dead gorgeous, the animation has a ridiculous frame count, and the mechanics look like they’ve got a lot of potential. My personal qualm with it is that it looks like it could benefit greatly from a higher frame rate so that the action happens more quickly. As is, the animation looks quite slick, so I can’t tell if he’s slowed things down just for his trailer or if he had difficulty with the screen capturing… but at a higher fps it would be most excellent.


I’ll let you watch the trailer over on his kickstarter page. This is a guy that I’d love to see get his funding. But at the very least, you should head over and vote on his Greenlight campaign so he’s got a shot at getting it published on Steam.