Awesome Mighty No. 9 Animation!
I figured I’d call attention to some animation that was done by a friend of mine, Jay Edry. It’s only been about a week since Inafking‘s Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter launch, but already there’s been a bunch of fan art for the exciting Mega Man spiritual successor. Jay and I went to school together a few years back, but you might recognize him as the guy that brought you the awesome animation from (amongst other things) this year’s Guacamelee.
If you’re interested in finding out some more about Jay, here’s an interview that IGN did with him for Guacamelee. Jay’s been a Mega fan since as long as I’ve known him. If you’re an animator, you should check out his other videos. He’s got a a few others which include tutorials. He also offers tutoring for animation if you happen to live in the Toronto/GTA.