#Cool Stuff

Sep 25, 2013
12:45 PM
Steve Says:

The Making of Shadow of The Colossus

For me, Shadow of the Colossus was one of the best games on the PlayStation 2. It came toward the end of the console’s life and took full advantage of the technology. It was a game that was full of awe… an enormous landscape with nothing to do in it except enjoy the artistry of its design, and epic battles with larger than life colossi as your reward for navigating across the environment.


I was hooked from the moment I played the demo, and was thrilled to pick it up when it was new. I picked it up again last year when it was re-released for the PS3 with it’s lesser known (but just as amazing) big brother, Ico. If you haven’t played these games yet… you’re really missing out. They really are in a league of their own.


While hunting for news today, I came across a post on reddit, linking to a translated article discussing the process behind how it was made. It’s a good read! Here it is in English, and in its original 日本語.