#Cool Stuff

Mar 4, 2013
5:09 PM
Steve Says:
a screen grab taken from the boss Battle website for the megaman art show happening in San Francisco march 2013

Boss Battle

Saturday night: having watched the first two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies earlier in the week, I was suffering from a distinct lack of pizza consumption. I set out on a quest to obtain some of this cheesy pie and discover that the first place on the to-try list has no seating available. There was the option to head home pizza in hand to enjoy it in some peace and quiet… buuuuut instead I found myself walking even further from home, salivating and dreaming of ‘za. What relevance does all this have to Mega Man fan art you ask?


Ordinarily, it probably wouldn’t have any relevance. This particular March the 2nd however, there happened to be an opening for a group art show celebrating 25 years of Capcom’s Mega Man called “Boss Battle“. It’s very cool to stumble upon something that is right up your alley, completely by accident, whilst not on the internet and less than a 5 minute walk away from your home. Normally I spend a good chunk of time on my Mondays or Wednesdays trying to catch up on the world of gaming news, and filter through articles to find something that I think might be worth starting a discussion over. This little puppy just fell right into my lap!


Let’s be honest: Game art is awesome. There’s a great bookstore in my neck of the woods that sells tons of video game art books. Lots of Mega Man, lots of Final Fantasy. Some Ogre Tactics… Kingdom Hearts… and of course Zelda, and Assassins Creed… heaps! Heaps, of awesome books. So many great books that if I could purchase them surely the floor in my living quarters would cave in from having all that ink and paper dumped on it. So it’s kind of cool to see fan art of great games getting some recognition. I mean, it’s been getting some good recognition in recent years, and finding a gallery going on is pretty cool. If any of you happen to be in San Francisco right now, I’d definitely recommend that you stop by the Gauntlet Gallery to take a gander. Or hey, if you’re not, at least visit the gallery website to look at the digital images.