ROM City Rampage
Shamefully, I have to admit that I haven’t played last year’s Retro City Rampage yet. It’s a GTA III inspired retro game that was in progress back when I was still a teenager. As you can imagine, with something that took decade to develop, there must be an interesting story in there somewhere. I think that part of what’s interesting is the care that developer Brian Provinciano took to make it as authentic of an experience as he could manage.
While catching up on recent news, I came across an article over at highlighting a behind the scenes video that Brian has shared on YouTube explaining the return to his prior work at getting a game running on the original Nintendo Entertainment System. We’re not being so stringent with Super Hematoma’s design as we’re determined to make a great blend of the old and the new rather than hampering ourselves with the hardware limitations of a specific platform from our youth. But I have to say, this is a really cool cool project, and it’s great to see just what that old hardware was capable of.