#Progress Report

Mar 22, 2013
1:12 PM
Steve Says:
a screen grab of an animation of a thug idle sprite cycle that was being done in aseprite for the upcoming game Super Hematoma by Sprixelsoft

Idle but not Idle!

You’ll notice that there was no Progress Report last week! I was out of town, and while I was able to arrange to have some automatically posted regular blog posts, it was unfortunately not possible to get one of these (in my opinion) more interesting posts up. But rest assured, while I may have been M.I.A. for that post, we’re still working away on making Super Hematoma a reality!


In case you missed it, we’ve got a new(ish) “Headline” up at the top there. From time to time, we’ll have some news that we feel is worth updating you guys with, and that we feel should be a little more permanent/easy to find than these blog posts.




I’ve been kind of working away at a variety of things which makes it a little less easy to be able to show off any one thing. As you can see by the little guy up above, I’ve taken a stab at doing some character animation using Aseprite. It’s not as full featured of a graphics program as I’m used to, and so it’s taking a little bit of learning time to get the workflow figured out. It doesn’t help that I haven’t done pixel art before working on this project, so I’m not even 100% on what the workflow should be. I’m doing my best to think ahead about how everything can be kept simple so that we can easily create new options for hair and eyes, as well as using weapons. A bit of a confusing prospect when you’re used to working in 3D instead. It’s been a long time since I’ve done hand drawn stuff. From what I understand Matt’s been making great progress with getting a skeleton for the game done, so we’re probably not too far off from being able to get some sprites running and jumping soon. I better get to work on doing that animation next.


The next thing that’s worth showing off is our second music track for the game. Remember that Oil Sands level that we’re working on? Well, I decided to take a whirl at coming up with some background music for it. So, diving back into Famitracker I came up with a 1:04 looping track that I think conjures up the mood that we want in that particular arena. Give it a listen!