
Mar 25, 2013
11:39 AM
Steve Says:
A quick illustration of a scale that was done for a blog post about using judgement.

Weigh Your Decisions

In what appears to be very timely with what we’ve recently been discussing comes a Kickstarter campaign from nine-year old Mackenzie Wilson forty-three-year old Susan Wilson. It’s a campaign that at first glance appears to be an enlivening battle cry for feminism that tugs at those little heart strings. It’s little surprise that when Susan began bombarding busy celebrities that they answered her call and began spreading the word. The campaign went viral in no time.


The problem is, as I mentioned in my previous Kickstarter blog post, that while there are many good people and projects out there that need your support, it sometimes takes a little bit of careful consideration to determine whether what you are supporting is actually what it appears to be. I can’t help but be disappointed when I see such campaigns abusing the system. Kickstarter is a community that relies on philanthropy to help nurture projects that otherwise could not see the light of day, and this hardly appears to be such a project. I certainly don’t want to take a political stance on here and tell everyone what’s right and what’s wrong. If you feel that you want to contribute money to this campaign that’s certainly your prerogative… unfortunately I feel that I must stress yet again to look at each campaign carefully to determine it’s integrity.


There are lots of people out there who need your support.