GOG.com Now Taking Indie Submissions
I’m not entirely sure what’s changed in their process. Afterall, their indie category has existed for a while now and includes lots of games such as Fez, FTL, and a good many others that are both big names in the scene and ones that I’ve never heard of. But GOG.com is now officially accepting submissions from indie devs. This would seem to be good news in light of the convoluted Steam Greenlight process having made things increasingly difficult for indies to get their games available to mass markets.
Disasterpeace and the Game Music Bundle 5
I began playing Fez a little while ago. In fact, when I began my two posts last week regarding the concert series at PAX, my original intent was to start doing a review of the music of Fez. Rich Vreeland, aka Disasterpeace has some amazing sounds that he put into that beautiful little indie game, and you need to hear them.
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
Well… maybe not infinite, but if you do the math… we’ve currently got two genders, nine eye types per gender, nine eye types per gender, fifteen skin tones, and twenty seven hair tones, why… that means we’ve got 984,150 possible combinations at the moment that could come out of our Bruiser Generator. Not a bad starting place, in my opinion.
The Music of PAX Part II
In my ultimate quest to have the most fun at PAX that I can, I continue to research the bands that will be playing the concert series each night! I love me some good video game and video game inspired music, so I’m eager to check out the tunes of people who I’m honestly not too familiar with. I looked at the bands that will be playing the Friday night concert last blog post (Bit Brigade, Mega Ran, and The Protomen) and now let’s take a look at Saturday and Sunday’s line-up!
Getting Ready For PAX – Listening to Music
So PAX DEV and PRIME are going to be happening a short 16 days away! Wow… I somehow had myself convinced that it was even further away than that. Guess I better start getting ready!
Joan, Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?…
Make over!!! Having introduced our first female bruiser last week, I continued ironing out her design this week, we’ve got a slight improvement to the existing hair style, and a bunch more designs for options to be placed in the bruiser generator. Aside from that we’ve got some additional animation cycles for our lady in red.
Notes from Casual Connect
I mentioned that I was at Casual Connect last week. Unfortunately I didn’t get as much benefit out of it as I’d hoped. I attended lectures Tuesday, but with a locked jaw I really wasn’t feeling attending on Wednesday. I made an effort to get over to see one lecture in particular called “Forget the Fu*king Press” but was disappointed to find it cancelled.
Here Comes A New Challenger!
I’ve been working on getting new animation done for a while now. I’ve got a mostly complete set of animation cycles for our first male bruiser. I still need to do poses with different types of weapons, and some cycles that won’t find themselves into our first level. For the moment I’m taking a break from our beefy dude, and concentrating on getting all existing cycles done for a fierce female bruiser.
Getting Out Of The House
I think I’ve got some sort of neurosis that leads me to believe that I need to absorb whatever information I can pertaining to the games industry. So when I heard about Casual Connect, my little gears started turning, and I decided let’s check it out.