I was purveying the week’s news in the gaming industry: there’s lots of rumors out there about who might be announcing what at GDC or E3, or which features might be placed in which new console. Speculation about how the Steam store might be run in the future, and studies on whether violent people are too occupied by new games over the holidays to commit crime. There’s anecdotes about Nintendo fans rewarded for calling support or getting the shaft if they attempt to return their faulty consoles to the store… but the one thing that caught my interest is this small little post on Destructoid.
Rainy Day
I’m on the fence about making this post right now, the website is very young and it would be best not to bring the mood down at all, but this morning I find myself watching “How to function as a depressed, solo game developer”. I had been saving watching the video for a rainy day, but today appears to be a rainy day.
Into The Sweatbox
Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve worked at producing drawings. And now, not only am I jumping back into it after over 6 years of letting my skills slide, I’m stepping outside my comfort zone and putting these rough sketches and concepts into the intertubes! While we hope to make frequent updates to the blog about things other people are doing that are of interest to us, the real reason to have this site is to share what we’re doing with you.
I just learned of the term “masocore” today, after reading an article comparing difficult games to S&M on Kotaku. It’s a good read, and resonates as I’ve been going insane the past week playing Super Hexagon; a ridiculously difficult game that I’ve been diligently trying to master whenever I get some spare time (Read: on the toilet).
I ■ Pixels
First, I want to say thanks to everyone who’s followed us through the various channels. It’s exciting to be starting on this new venture, and it’s great to have some initial support from friends and family. I also want to say thanks in particular to Peter Robbinson and Vera Süssli for clicking on that donate button on the left sidebar and contributing toward us keeping this site running! It means a lot to Matt and I, and we’re very encouraged to come up with some great stuff.
Site launch
Greetings all,
Welcome to Sprixelsoft’s main site and dev blog.
I’m excited to get the site up and running and look forward to posting about our exploits, game dev progress, and other such foolishness. For now, a brief salutation and some pretentious ramblings.
Getting the Ball Rolling
I suppose I should start off the blog with a bit of a “Hello World” statement, as well as pointing out that while you are indeed looking at the blog right now, also take note of the top bar where there will be a dynamic link to whatever our latest “News” item happens to be. If you’d like to learn more about Sprixelsoft, Matthew Langille, and myself; feel free to poke around and see what’s what. And also be sure to click on the below link to get a bit more detail on just what it is that I’ve been up to now that I’ve quit my job, moved to San Francisco, and hope to fulfill my dream of making video games