Jump Around
It’s great to be at a point where we’re getting things coming together. As you saw last week, Matt’s made some great progress on getting the game engine working. Having something that will be playable is looking more and more like a reality every day, and it’s pretty gratifying for us to see this stuff take shape and become tangible.
Breathing Some Life Into This Pixel Baloney
Hey-o listeners, things are getting rolling here at Sprixelsoft as we start to give life to our blood-filled (well, soon-to-be blood-filled) brawling saga. Today I’ll offer you on a candid little glimpse of what things are starting to look like as the game is coming together.
Pixel Art is Rough!
It’s been a little more than a month since I originally started working on the background for our first stage, and after spending time on other areas, I’m revisiting it and now trying to get it done for realsies. Pixel art is actually pretty tricky (or at least I find it pretty tricky) and working on a large background like this has resulted in me learning a lot of stuff.
Laying a Backbone
Buenos dias all,
It’s been a fairly quiet week in terms of quantifiable progress here at Sprixelsoft, but in the spirit of maintaining weekly Friday progress reports, I’ll ramble on pointlessly from the comfort of my bed for a few sentences about what’s been up lately before dozing off.
Baby Steps
Hi world,
I’ve finally squeezed an update of sorts out of my awesome schedule.
Things are chugging along nicely under the hood, although there isn’t a pile of concrete things to show. Building an engine from scratch + a full-time job = death on wheels… but things are up and running, brothers–
Idle but not Idle!
You’ll notice that there was no Progress Report last week! I was out of town, and while I was able to arrange to have some automatically posted regular blog posts, it was unfortunately not possible to get one of these (in my opinion) more interesting posts up. But rest assured, while I may have been M.I.A. for that post, we’re still working away on making Super Hematoma a reality!
Title Theme
Back in 2011, when Matt originally proposed the idea of us working together on a game, the concept was that he would make a game, and I would make music for it. Of course things are turning out a little different now that we’ve actually decided to make a game together, but as you may have seen in the last post, I do have a fondness for music. I think that music is a pretty important part of the video game experience and began thinking about sound before I’d figured out how I wanted anything to look.
Logo Design
It’s tricky to develop a good logo! You want something that is identifiable, memorable, and communicates a message to those who will be looking at it. Company logos have the luxury of evolving over time, it’s the work that a company does that will make it last, and the logo is rarely a deciding factor in whether or not a company succeeds. But up on a title screen? It’s going to be the first thing that many people see, and it’s gotta put them in the mood.
We knew right away that we wanted to make Super Hematoma a multi-player fighting game, but that we wanted to deviate from the usual fighting game standard by incorporating somewhat of a platforme-type style into the mechanics. We want players to be able to interact with the backgrounds, and for each level to have a little bit more character to it than a stage for the bruisers to merely move back and forth on while chipping away at each other’s life bar. Hopefully we can add a little more chaos into it than that.
It’s been a busy week here at Sprixelsoft, developing the graphical style for Super Hematoma. Half of the work is figuring out the look of the graphics; after working out some general concepts for character designs I sat down this week and attempted to refine it into something that matches our retro vision. But the other half of that work is, of course, deciding on some sort of a workflow to generate those precious works of art.