#Progress Report

Apr 26, 2013
10:41 AM
Steve Says:
Stephen animating the first jump animation for Super Hematoma

Jump Around

It’s great to be at a point where we’re getting things coming together. As you saw last week, Matt’s made some great progress on getting the game engine working. Having something that will be playable is looking more and more like a reality every day, and it’s pretty gratifying for us to see this stuff take shape and become tangible.


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Apr 24, 2013
12:00 PM
Steve Says:
Preview of the ties I ordered

My Tie(s) Arrived!

I recently made a blog post about merchandising, which was inspired primarily by watching this video. The fact is, there is a lot of merchandise out there for any given product, and as a customer I want to own it all. Think it matters to me if it’s official swag? Not really.


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#Cool Stuff

Apr 22, 2013
12:00 PM
Steve Says:
Rytlock’s Critter Rampage title screen

When People Do Cool Things

I’ve been a fan of the Guild Wars franchise since I first heard of it. Conceptually, I’d be interested in checking out games like World of  Warcraft, or Final Fantasy XI. Final Fantasy XIV has magitek armor! FTW! But I also am a very cheap individual, and I refuse to play a game that holds my ability to play at ransom. If I buy a game, I expect to be able to play it, and the subscription model doesn’t work for me.


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#Progress Report

Apr 19, 2013
10:00 AM
Matt Says:

Breathing Some Life Into This Pixel Baloney

Hey-o listeners, things are getting rolling here at Sprixelsoft as we start to give life to our blood-filled (well, soon-to-be blood-filled) brawling saga. Today I’ll offer you on a candid little glimpse of what things are starting to look like as the game is coming together.

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Apr 17, 2013
5:29 PM
Steve Says:
a para goomba from super mario bros 3


I was recently in a toy store in Alameda that has a great variety of used and new toys, and I couldn’t help but momentarily lapse into that childlike state of glee as I saw all the stuff that I wish I’d had as a kid. Don’t get me wrong, I had plenty of Ninja Turtles, Transformers, G.I. Joe and He-Man figures growing up. I was never at a loss, but I’m still in love with toys.


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Apr 15, 2013
9:22 AM
Steve Says:
Dys4ia is a game by "Auntie Pixilante" on New Grounds

Must Games Be Difficult?

One of the things I found interesting at GDC, was a series of mini-postmortems that included a review of Anna Anthropy and Liz Ryerson’s New Grounds game Dys4ia. Dys4ia is a bit of an interesting game which I briefly mentioned in this article, but truth be told there are people out there that question whether this form of narrative can even be considered a game.


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#Progress Report

Apr 12, 2013
9:23 AM
Steve Says:
A look at a section of sky from Sprixelsoft's game Super Hematoma

Pixel Art is Rough!

It’s been a little more than a month since I originally started working on the background for our first stage, and after spending time on other areas, I’m revisiting it and now trying to get it done for realsies. Pixel art is actually pretty tricky (or at least I find it pretty tricky) and working on a large background like this has resulted in me learning a lot of stuff.


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Apr 10, 2013
10:10 AM
Steve Says:
This is actually a standard club night that was in Toronto, however is used to illustrate the partys that happen at events like GDC


I’ll openly admit that I’m a little bit of an introvert. When it comes to networking events I prefer stuff like the Full Indie of Vancouver which has monthly meet-ups in a bar with guest lecturers. There’s some time for chatting with whichever random people you sit with to eat, and then some cool info that’s shared from the community.


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Apr 8, 2013
11:09 AM
Steve Says:
Stephen Tucker recently did an article for Young Web Builder which discusses the relevance of games outside of the traditional sense of artistic entertainment

Guest Blogging

I recently found myself in the right place at the right time, and was asked to write a guest article for YoungWebBuilder.com on how games are used in a non-entertainment capacity. A lot of the time when I’m writing these blog posts, I’ll search around, see what news catches my attention, and then I’ll just start writing. Other times, it’s significantly easier to splash my words about as it’s something I’ve experienced personally and can just post tons of personal information.


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#Progress Report

Apr 5, 2013
9:30 AM
Matt Says:
An image that we took of Matthew Langille's Tandy computer. Photoshop is handy for making it look like we have microsoft visual studio 2005 running on it

Laying a Backbone

Buenos dias all,

It’s been a fairly quiet week in terms of quantifiable progress here at Sprixelsoft, but in the spirit of maintaining weekly Friday progress reports, I’ll ramble on pointlessly from the comfort of my bed for a few sentences about what’s been up lately before dozing off.


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