
Jul 3, 2013
2:17 PM
Steve Says:
Good ole crt

Is CRT Extinct?

I’m still on the last gen of tv. The reason for it right now, to be sure, is I don’t have the luxury of spending money on everything that I want to while in my time of unemployment. But realistically, I’m a thrifty person that doesn’t like seeing things go to waste, so even if I were to happen across some moolah, my tv wouldn’t be the first thing to get upgraded.


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May 1, 2013
11:00 AM
Steve Says:

Creating Pixel Art

I’ve been finding that creating pixel art is a unique challenge that is actually pretty tricky to get right. Working in the lowest resolution possible means that drawing shapes that are consistent from frame to frame is extremely difficult, especially when you working with a limited palette. Whilst anti-aliasing is great for photos, it means hell when attempting to rotate small sprites. Here’s a few resources I’ve come across that might help you if you’re starting on your own pixel art.


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Apr 24, 2013
12:00 PM
Steve Says:
Preview of the ties I ordered

My Tie(s) Arrived!

I recently made a blog post about merchandising, which was inspired primarily by watching this video. The fact is, there is a lot of merchandise out there for any given product, and as a customer I want to own it all. Think it matters to me if it’s official swag? Not really.


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Feb 18, 2013
2:00 PM
Steve Says:
a snippet from an explosion sprite sheet that was used in the Metal Slug series for neo geo

Visual Effects in Retro Games

As I sat down today and started trying to figure out the workflow for one of our levels, I realized that I’m not as up on my 2D Effects animation as I should be. As a vfx artist for feature film, I’ve been spoiled with getting to mimic reality. I develop procedural systems for effects that react to what’s happening in the environment and just behave the way one would expect based on a pre-determined set of conditions. Simulation! It’s a whole different beast from what I’ll be doing in our game!


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Feb 4, 2013
2:31 PM
Steve Says:
The title screen for Scott Pilgrim versus the world: the game

I ■ Pixels

First, I want to say thanks to everyone who’s followed us through the various channels. It’s exciting to be starting on this new venture, and it’s great to have some initial support from friends and family. I also want to say thanks in particular to Peter Robbinson and Vera Süssli for clicking on that donate button on the left sidebar and contributing toward us keeping this site running! It means a lot to Matt and I, and we’re very encouraged to come up with some great stuff.

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