Little Sound Design Journey
We were heavily inspired by a good number of sources when we began to conceptualize Super Hematoma. We loved the beat-em up style of gameplay from the NES era of games, the graphics of the Neo Geo, the competitive style of pc games, and the timbre of both the NES and Game Boy soundchips.
Is CRT Extinct?
I’m still on the last gen of tv. The reason for it right now, to be sure, is I don’t have the luxury of spending money on everything that I want to while in my time of unemployment. But realistically, I’m a thrifty person that doesn’t like seeing things go to waste, so even if I were to happen across some moolah, my tv wouldn’t be the first thing to get upgraded.
O Canada
July 1st is Canada Day! What better way to kick off this radical day than with some 8-bit awesomeness delivered straight to your ears via the futuristic power of the NES? That’s right kiddies, strap yourself in. We’re about to take you on a journey from far and wide to our home and native land.
Star Stuff
According to Carl Sagan, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” While Super Hematoma is a game about Bruisers engaging in bloody brawls to brutally bash each other’s brains out… we actually want it to be a game that’s open to everyone.
The Internet is Neat. So is Zelda Music.
I grew up with the occasional subscription to magazines such as Game Pro, Game Players, and Nintendo Power. None of those are in print anymore… and as much as I’m nostalgic for the world of print… I’m also happy that I’m able to get information much more easily and spontaneously this millennium.
End Regions
As someone who has lived in multiple countries, I feel that regions are a pain in the ass. Sony at least allows you to access the different regions on a single ps3 using different accounts, but this leads to having to be careful not to buy dlc on the wrong account. At least you can buy all sorts of games though.
Back Into Animation
At the end of April and through early May, I was working furiously to get a bunch of animation done so that we could have our first playable demo. Since then, I’ve been vising other tasks on my to-do list including sound, background revisions, UI prototyping, and some effects work. But now I’m back into animation mode again.
Game Ownership
Having grown up in small-town, Nova Scotia, and becoming interested in gaming in a time where my family did not own a computer… I hold console gaming close to my heart. Game rentals, and trading games with friends was an important part of how a rural boy like me got to play games. Even when I did get a computer, I was actually put off of PC gaming for a very long time due to DRM.
Dinosaur’s Guide To Gen 8
I’m a fickle dude, set in my ways, and a late adopter of new technology. With E3 finally in the rear view mirror, I figured I’d take a few minutes to take a look at the 8th generation of consoles and see how they can potentially fit into my living room space.
Pixel Effects
For the past few years, I’ve been bringing home the bacon thanks to my work in visual effects. I’ve been working primarily with high end visual effects packages such as Houdini and Maya, and have been mostly performing lengthy sims, intense geometry manipulation, and shader writing to get those pretty images up on screen. You’d expect that working on a pixel-art game, I’d be leaving the high-end packages alone, right?